
24-hour attendance line for reporting absences: 303-387-1802


Here is the link to Douglas County School District's attendance policy.

Mountain Ridge Middle School is open for early-arriving students beginning at 7 am. Students will enter the building through their assigned color group doors.

As part of our ongoing commitment to keeping students, staff and families safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve modified many of our office and attendance procedures. Even if your student is a returning 8th grader or your older children have come through Mountain Ridge, please take a moment to review our current attendance protocols. 


Reporting an absence

To report your student’s absence, please call the 24-hour recorded attendance line at 303-387-1802. Please state the date of your student's absence, his or her first and last name (spelling the last name), and the reason for the absence. All absences must be reported to the attendance office even if you've also notified your student's teachers.

As we work to control the spread of COVID-19, we ask that you help us to keep our staff and students safe by sharing as much as you can about your student's absence and illness, and whether any member of your family has been exposed or is currently isolating due to COVID-19. If you have questions or concerns about your student's illness, please contact your student's primary care provider, and collaborate with your school nurse consultant. This attendance dedicated line is not continually monitored and is for absences/tardies only. To leave other messages please call our main number at 303-387-1800 between 7am and 3:30pm.


Late-arriving students

Late-arriving students should ring the doorbell at the main entrance; they’ll be admitted to the building and come to the Security window to be signed in by a staff member. Please note that a phone message from a parent, left on our 24-hour recorded attendance line, 303-387-1802, is required in order to excuse a student’s late arrival; you may make that call either before or after your student’s arrival at school.


Students leaving school early

If your student needs to leave school early, please ring the doorbell at the main entrance and let our staff know that you’re picking up your child.  Your student will then be called out of class, come to the Security window to sign out with a staff member. Please plan to arrive 10 minutes before the time that you and your student need to leave in order to allow time for your student to be called, gather his or her belongings, and walk to the Security window for checkout.

Please note that only a parent may pick up a student unless you have called our main office and authorized another specific person to do so. Please call our main office, 303-387-1800, to let us know if someone other than you, such as a grandparent, older sibling, neighbor, etc., will be picking up your child. For your child’s safety, we cannot release a student to anyone but you unless we’ve heard from you.


Attendance discrepancies

If you’ve received a notification that your student was marked absent from a class in which you believe he or she was present, please start by having your student contact the teacher to discuss and resolve the discrepancy.  Please do not call the attendance line for matters related to single-period attendance corrections, as those must come from the teacher of the class in question.



Tardy policy

Punctuality is among the self-disciplines that we encourage in our students. Students are expected to arrive on time to school and be in their seats ready to start the day at their designated start time in the morning, as well as to be punctual for all classes throughout the day. Chronic tardiness is considered a form of absence; these situations will be addressed through our discipline policy. Teachers may assign lunch detentions to students for whom chronic unexcused tardiness is a problem.