Yearbook Club:
The MRMS yearbook club provides students with journalism skills and the ability to apply those skills to the actual production of the yearbook. Other skills and attributes that this club will promote are teamwork, responsibility, brainstorming, content, coverage, concept, reporting, writing, headlines, captions, editing, photography, typography, design, graphics, finances, yearbook campaigns, and advertising, and distribution. The work done by the yearbook staff is a real-world experience that results in the current volume of our school’s yearbook. The publication strives to maintain a tradition of excellence in which the school and the community can take pride.
- Yearbook Club will meet Mondays starting Aug. 19th from 2:45-4:00 pm in 7 Teal Room 145.
- Yearbook Club will continue to meet through March 10 and then will meet daily the week prior to yearbook distribution.
For more information, please get in contact with Mrs. Rosenblatt :)
Please pay for all activities online through MySchoolBucks.